Ciao, Amici.


Owners and cousins Andrea and Francesco.

A piece of Sicily, right here in La Mesa.

Cousins Andrea and Francesco grew up in the trattorias of Sicily, where gathering around a table of handmade pasta with friends and family was a daily occurrence; hearing stories of the past and dreaming of their futures. They both moved here with a vision of opening a restaurant to share their love of food and tradition with others.

Francesco went to culinary school in Italy learning the traditional techniques of authentic Italian cuisine and brings his passion for cooking and using the freshest and highest quality ingredients with him into the kitchen and every dish he creates. 

Andrea, and his passion for creating a welcoming space for all, hopes to make you feel like you are back in the heart of Sicily - another pour of wine and another bite of pasta closer to his home island of Palermo.

Whether you are Italian for life or Italian for the night, Aromi invites you to come enjoy the joys of good food and good company.